Pacing and overall schedule
- Pacing: The modularity of the lesson allows instructors to select the amount of content
appropriate to the needs of the learners.
- Each module has 15 minutes of stretch content which may be optionally included.
- There is an additional 30 minutes built into the startup time to accomodate delays.
Possible paths through the lesson
Slow morning OR afternoon
- Startup + standard library
- Startup + pandas
Average speed morning OR afternoon
- Startup + standard library + pandas
- Startup + standard library + standard library stretch
- Startup + pandas + pandas stretch
Full day option
- Startup + standard library + standard library stretch + lunch + pandas + pandas stretch
Modules and suggested timing
Startup (30 min)
- 9:00 Late buffer
- 9:15 Welcome
- Code of conduct
- Room logistics
- Install/setup
- 9:30 What is Python
- About Python and its uses in libraries
- Overview of the lesson
Standard library (2 hours 30 min)
- 9:45: Understanding the environment and basic Python types and methods (15 min)
- Familiarization with the IDE
- Starting/stopping the IDE run or app
- Print statements & evaluation
- Strings
- Variables
- 10:00: Introduction to scripts (15 min)
- Examine an example script
- Tracing the control flow
- Using help commands to look up functions
- Anticipate output and test
- Modify output and test
- 10:15: csv module (15 min)
- Using the csv module to open a file
- Two-dimensional list data representation
statements, for filtering
- 10:30: Coffee (15 min)
- 10:45: Working with data from the csv (15 min)
- Accumulator patterns, for collecting strings from the data
- Filtering rows and creating lists from the data
- 11:00 (stretch content) (15 min)
- Accumulating lists of data for csv output
- Transforming a script to run on multiple files using glob
Pandas (1 hour)
- 11:15 Introduction to pandas and Jupyter (15 min)
- Importing pandas
- How pandas is often used
- Using Jupyter notebooks
- Jupyter gotchas and good practices
- 11:30 Reading a csv into a DataFrame (15 min)
and formatting options
- Viewing a DataFrame
- Evaluation vs. print() in Jupyter
- Modifying data using pandas
- 11:45 Working with DataFrames (15 min)
- Column data types
s and essential cleaning checks
- Filtering data into a new DataFrame
- Saving data as a new CSV file
- 12:00 (stretch content) (15 min)
- Aggregation and summaries
- Quick plots of a DataFrame
- Transformations of a DataFrame, such as transposing
Wrap-Up and Feedback (15 min)